All-Region sectionals will begin the week of 10/31. Sectionals allow the band to be separated into smaller like-instrument groups. This allows us the opportunity to individualize instruction and learn more material/concepts at a faster pace. Each student is required to attend their one weekly sectional.
The sectional schedule is below. Regular attendance is critical. Please relay conflicts as soon as they arrive. It is not possible to make up the material in another sectional as each instrument learns different music for all region. PLEASE schedule tutorials/Dr. visits around your sectional.
Jazz Band will begin 11/1 and meet every Tuesday and Thursday morning 7:15-8:45 am. No formal try-outs – just show up! We will gauge interest and go from there. I believe this is going to be a spectacular group!!
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Thank you,
Mr. Holzer
Christian Holzer
Band Director
Lebanon Trail High School
5151 Ohio Drive
Frisco, TX 75035