FISD has posted video of the Band Showcase. Click this link to view –
Congrats to our drumline who auditioned for a Chick fil ‘A commercial this weekend. Great experience for all – fingers crossed!!
- Group picture day THIS FRIDAY. Students will need to report to the bandhall by 7:45 am to change into their uniforms. Hair should be done beforehand. This is important as we will NOT be wearing shakos (hats) for the picture. This will allow us to see everyone! Line up for the picture will begin at 8:00 am. We will be done as soon as we take the picture. This will be used in the yearbook and available for individual purchase.
- There will be a Spring Trip informational meeting Wednesday, November 2, 7:00 PM in the LTHS Bandhall. We will cover the trip including itinerary, requirements, and cost. Please make plans to attend.
This Week in Band,
- Morning rehearsals 10/25 and 10/26. Remember your water jug and coordinate sheet. Dress for the weather.
- Monday – Mr. Merrill (retired Duncanville ISD, SMU) will be with us on Monday during class.
- Wednesday – Last Game. Remember all of your gear. Itinerary will be on the website.
- Friday – Group picture day. Please read above.
- Remember sectionals begin 10/31.
- Check the calendar on the website for dates/times. Contact me should you have any questions.
Have a wonderful week,
Mr. Holzer
Christian Holzer
Band Director
Lebanon Trail High School
5151 Ohio Drive
Frisco, TX 75035