Holzer’s This Week in Band 10/31 – 11/4

  • If you would like to order a picture of the band (you should, they are great!!), visit – shop.legacystudios.com  password is 7077B171
  • There will be a Spring Trip informational meeting Wednesday, November 2, 7:00 PM in the LTHS auditorium.  We will cover the trip including itinerary, requirements, and cost.  Please make plans to attend. 
  • Sectionals and Jazz Band have begun!  Please check calendar for specific date/time.
  • Tuesday – Mr.  Green (retired U of H) will be with us on during class.  Mr. Green is responsible for what is considered modern school bands.  He is a legend (and 82 years young).  We are fortunate to have him with us for the day.
  • Wednesday – Spring Trip meeting 7:00 pm.

Have a wonderful week,

Mr. Holzer

Christian Holzer
Band Director
Lebanon Trail High School