CONGRATULATIONS to our guard once again for a great performance over Spring Break. They keep moving up the leaderboard. Excellent work!!
Leadership materials for next year have gone live on the band website. They are on the protected “music” page. Reach out to a director with any questions on the process. Completed packets are due March 31st.
This Week in Band,
- Tuesday – Mr. Dixon (U of H, retired) will be working with us in class. / Drum Major Academy
- Friday – 5th Trip Payment Due!!
In the combined attachment you will find a list of approved SAT/ACT testing dates for next year. Following this calendar will help us avoid any testing conflicts.
An OFFICIAL summer band calendar for 2017 available to view on the band website. Please take special note of our May practices.
The most up to date information may be found on the band website/calendar. Please contact me should you have any questions.
Have a wonderful week,
Mr. Holzer